Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 2.... Now the Fun Begins

Day two is officially in the books and there is so much to tell you, I don't even know where to start... how about the beginning? Monday started off with a morning Bible study, breakfast and morning seminars. Seminars is a time where we gather in groups and talk about the significant relationships in our lives. Then we were sent off with our cabins to compete in a camp-wide competition to get points for our team. We had to complete various tasks like a half-court shot, beat a staff person in a "King of the Hill game on the water, carry your cabin leader across the soccer field and Jessica Farra's favorite, chipping a golf ball 15 feet into a Rubbermaid container. It took her a few attempts... but she was one of the only ones in camp to complete it.

After lunch our teams had a little free time and so Jenn took a group of the girls on a bike ride to the local favorite spot, The Whippy Dip. The Dip is a well-known ice cream stand in the area. They've got great sundaes and corn dogs! Others from our group stayed back and released some energy out on the Blob and Battle Barge. The Battle Barge is a padded dock that floats in the middle of the lake... everyone gathers on it and when the lifeguard blows the whistle, it's an all out battle royal to knock everyone off and be the last one standing. I found out quickly that middle schoolers are stronger than I remember... I'm not sure what you are feeding your kids at home but I think it's working. I'm not as limber as I used to be! 

The second half of the afternoon we took our group tubing. We huddled up into groups of four and did our best to hold on and not lose our shorts! Some of the first-year campers found out quickly why the tubes are one of the favorite activities here at camp. I don't think Cylie or Kim could stop smiling after their wild ride! It was a blast!

That evening in Club we heard  another great message. Jayson talked to us about the story of Jesus healing the blind man and how many believed Jesus was either just a man, a really good prophet, or the actual son of God. The blind man saw Jesus' work in his life and believed He was the son of God. Just like the blind man, we have the opportunity to see Jesus working in our lives everyday. My prayer today is that these students would see that their life matters and God wants to do amazing things in their lives. They just have to believe He is who He says he is... and will do what He says He will do. That truth can have an unbelievable impact on every inch of their lives. 

Thanks for all your prayers. We are having a great time. Check back tomorrow to hear about our adventures on Tuesday! 

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